
What Are Geofenced Digital Display Ads?

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, the key to driving sales lies in cultivating awareness. To achieve this, your advertising efforts must reach the right audience when they’re most receptive.

Geofencing, or proximity marketing, is the strategic approach that positions your ad directly in front of the ideal individuals and/or demographic within your desired location. This ensures that your message not only reaches your target audience, but that it captivates their attention as well.

At Great News Media, our geofenced digital advertising platform allows you to create a virtual perimeter, or geofence, encompassing any geographical area within your intended market. Whether it’s a compact 1km circumference around your business or an array of geofences around any target community or region, the choice is yours.

Our solution combines the precision of geofencing with an impressive network of premium websites. Picture your brand getting noticed on top-tier websites like:

On these sites, your ad will seamlessly integrate with the latest news, capturing the attention of individuals within your chosen geofences. As an added benefit, your ad links directly to your website, maximizing your ability to effortlessly convert interest into action.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Choose your target areas (geofences)
  2. Set the start and end date of your ad campaign
  3. Select how many digital impressions you want (how many people see your ad)

What Ad Sizes Do You Offer?

Ad sizes include big box, leaderboard, and mobile, all of which are designed to cater to various platforms and devices.



If you’re pressed for time or seeking expert design assistance, you can leave it to us! We’re happy to design your digital display ads, ensuring that your ad adheres to precise specifications.

Remember that in today’s competitive world, awareness is the key to driving sales. Geofenced digital advertising enhances your brand’s visibility, ensuring that you stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds. When people are aware of your business, they are more likely to become loyal customers.

Ready to get noticed? Call 403-720-0762 to discuss your advertising goals.

Check out our YouTube video on how Geofenced Display ads can boost your business: